ChileBolivia Bordering the High Andes

Salar de Uyunyi

Friday 14th and Sunday 15th at Salar de Uyunyi; theworld’s largest salt late. We stayed for these 2 nights in a camper van.

Salt Lake

Steps to no where,

2 nights in a camper van on the salt flats.

Valley of the winds: overlooking volcano and salt lake,

Sun rise at the salt flats.

La Paz

Monday16th September. Flew from Uyunji to La Paz, the administrative capital of Bolivia. Two man features: the practice of building houses on top of flat office or commercial rooofs; and the new able car system.

La Paz cable cars.

Spanish Colonial house in LacPaz

Presidential Palace in La Paz.

The ‘witches’ market La Paz

Houses and in this case a church, set on the roof of a commercial structured.

Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca

18th September: visited the Bolivian section of Lake Titicaca. Took Hydrofil out on lake to sun and moon islands. They were sacred Inca sites. On the former, Inca‘s Would make the three sacred vows, handed down from their ancestors: ‘I shall not lie, nor steal, or be lazy.’ After this we travelled by road to the Peruvian frontier and on to Puno.

Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca